Start-up Agency 0-6 months

Established Agency 6 months plus

Earnings Calculator

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    Earnings Calculator

    Your current earnings

    As a Recruitment Consultant

    Your potential earnings

    Starting a recruitment business


    Estimate Earnings increase Starting your own Recruitment Business£{{cur(bus())}}

    Estimate Earnings increase %{{percinc()}}%

    Compare Your Current Earnings

    Compare your current earnings as a {{rec}} Recruitment Consultant to the amount you could be earning if you Started your own Recruitment Business.


    Working for an agency

    Weekly GROSS Profit (GP) Billed£{{cur(gross())}}
    Annual GP Billed£{{cur(annual())}}
    Annual Fees Billing£{{cur(gross())}}
    Commission £{{cur(commission())}} {{com}}%
    Total Earned £{{cur(tel())}} £{{cur(annual())}}
    % of fees{{percfee()}}%


    Working for yourself

    Weekly GROSS Profit (GP) Billed£{{cur(gross())}}
    Annual GP Billed£{{cur(annual())}}
    Annual Fees Billing£{{cur(gross())}}
    Profit £{{cur(monprof())}} {{profit()}}%
    Total Earned £{{cur(monprof())}} £{{cur(te())}}
    % of fees{{fee()}}%

    Disclaimer: Simplicity uses its best effort to provide accurate calculations, however Simplicity does not guarantee or imply 100% accuracy of the calculations. Even though we strive to provide you with the most accurate results, it’s not advisable to rely only on results of this calculator for computation of earnings. Therefore, we cannot accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to or by any person, business or entity, directly or indirectly, acting or refraining because of material contained or not contained in this calculator.

    Getting Started


    Download our Free Agency Start-Up Guide

    Download your copy of 'Getting Started', our practical and simple guide to starting and maintaining a successful recruitment business.

    Plus, gain FREE access to our resources hub where you can get the latest industry news, insights and tips on how to achieve faster, smarter, growth.

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    download a copy of our Quick Start brochure

    Our Quick Start brochure will give you an insight into how Simplicity can help you become your own boss & start supplying workers within 24 hours.

    Plus, gain FREE access to our resources hub where you can get the latest industry news, insights and tips on how to achieve faster, smarter, growth.

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    Resources Hub

    Check out our FREE Recruitment Resources Hub

    Access the latest recruitment industry insights and tips on how to get started and grow your recruitment business.


    • Getting Started GuideĀ Download our practical and simple guide to starting and maintaining a successful recruitment business.
    • Margin Index Reports Download the latest reports on profit margins achieved across the UK recruitment sectors each quarter.

    Access Resources Now >